Ok, So Let's Write About the Process of Writing
It is always good to get some input on your writing, whether it is spelling, the contents or that you used the word "very" about ten times in the same sentence. Feedback and constructive criticism is always good, that's how we grow and get better. But when it comes to the process of writing, you can tell all the helpful people to get lost.
The process of writing is different for everybody, there is no right or wrong way to write, so nobody can tell you how it should be done. Writing is a creative process, and creative people tend to be a little bit on the eccentric or "nutty" side (me included), and we all are creative in our own way. Some people love to write late at night, while some poeple like to write in the early morning. Some people might stare them self blind on the computer screen for hours on end and then suddenly be struck by inspiration and frenetically write five chapters in two hours. And then there are other people who likes to write a little bit at a time; one hour writing, one hour rest, one hour writing, one hour rest....and so on and so on.
My creative process varies a lot depending on my mood that day; if i feel down I might get nothing done compared to other days when I feel happy. But generally I tend to be one of those people that do nothing for hours and then suddenly do everything in a short period of time. I am an Olympic gold medalist in procrastination, so when I don't feel inspired to write I will do a million other things except for what I actually should be doing. But then when inspiration strikes, I have to get what is in my mind out on paper as fast as possible before it disapperas and I become completely focused on the task at hand. Everything aound me (time, people, sounds) just disappears. Unfortunately, if someone where to disturb me when I am in my creative state of mind, I have a really hard time getting back to it. If I get disturbed I usually tend to lose the spark and go back to doing other random things. When it comes to a specific time to write, I dont really think I have one. When inspiration hits it hits, and it might be in the morning as well as evening. But considering I am more of a evening/night person than morning, I would say that generally I do my best work when the sun starts to set.
Something you realize the more you write is that you can never force creativity, that is something that has to come naturally. So for those days when you can hardly put two words together, give yourself a break. No matter how hard you try nothing even substantially good will come out of it. Just do someting else for a while; read, watch tv, listen to music, drink a cup of coffee (or a big ass glass of wine), anything to take your mind off the task at hand, and eventually it will come to you.